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Innovation Planning: What do you want to achieve?

Writer's picture: Natasha AceNatasha Ace

"When you want to run a million dollar business you should think like a million dollar business." This statement was made inside a mastermind group of James Wedmore. (James' mastermind group is $25k to attend. So I've just saved you a lot of money.) The reason we bring this up is because we agree with James. Now, we know you may not be looking to run a million dollar practice (or you maybe seeking to run a five million dollar practice) but regardless of your target; you need an aim.

Do your research

What are other businesses (not practices) businesses doing to innovate their service? Innovation is an old term. The healthcare industry is jus starting to think about ways to innovate. WarbyParkerHelp is a great example of innovation. Their employees record videos for their FAQ page on their website. Give clients the ability to do things themselves. McDonalds rolled out self-pay kiosks, which raised their value on Wall Street. Find out what others are doing and plan your "dream" practice.

Plan for it

If money, people, time were not an issue; what would you implement? Now, start thinking of yourself as that practice. When you think small, you get small. When you've created a budget that allows for the cost of innovation or you plan your marketing plan around the innovation, you're building the steps toward your dream practice.

Make it happen

It's easier said then done, you say. However, it isn't. If I want to start giving clients the ability to have some control over their appointments, I'm going to implement an online booking portal. If I want clients to start checking in themselves, I'm going create something to ensure they can. See our sample here. (This took about five minutes to create).

Innovation is quickly catching up with the healthcare system, start planning for it today!

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