Take one quick second to google social media platforms..... I'll wait. (To make it easy, click here.) Damn, I heard you say. There are a lot of platforms. How do you know what is the best one to use?
Let me be frank here. The likelihood that you are going to get a client referral from social media is very slim. Anyone who has done it successfully (and been able to track the client from the point of entrance to the booking has been doing this a very long time) will tell you this isn't a one hit wonder kind of game. In dating there is the short game and the long game. Think of social media as the VERY long game.
If you're going to use social media as a marketing platform, you need to seriously consider how much investment you're going to put into it to gain a voice and build your brand in your community.
In this link, buffer.com, reviews 21 social media platforms that you can use in your business and why. If you're just venturing out in to private practice, or you've been here awhile and you just can't seem to find enough time in your day to do EVERYTHING, then we suggest you pick ONE social media platform and use it for branding. Learn absolutely all you can about it and use it to the best of potential.
If you're already a client of ours, take a look at our online forum to with the articles specifically related to marketing.
If you're a member of the Private Practice Alliance, we'll be putting out a FREE BONUS course specific to marketing and social media.
Which platform do I suggest for you? LinkedIn, (connect with me here!) hands down. You have a very real opportunity to put yourself out there with your referral sources, build authentic networks and connects and develop your own private practice alliances.