Moving into private practice can prove to be a difficult decision. The expectations can vary from person to person as well as practice to practice.
Many people before me have voiced their experience and expectations in this very topic. I will not pretend to know it all and I will not pretend to the be the last to speak about this. I hope you'll be able to take away the ability to stay curious, understand another perspective and have a few action items as you step gently into private practice.
We explore ways to work with the principal around the ATO guidelines, what might be 'expected' from both parties as well what resources a contractor should expect. But mostly, we want to focus on how we can break down the walls for both the contractors and the principals to really nurture an inclusive work environment.
At the end of this month, we launch our Private Practice Contractor Conversations Course. In the meantime, you can pre-register for our launch here.