This month we are going to focus on Marketing. We're not talking about your standard blah blah blah marketing. But honest to goodness ways to get your ideal client. Now, don't stop reading this if you're a clinician who feels they don't need any more clients. This series is not only going to talk about how to get new referrals in your door, but more importantly YOUR IDEAL CLIENT who pays your full session fee.
We're going to take you step by step and work through marketing together. How? Well, mark your calendars and watch this space!
First: Through our blog. So make sure you subscribing (to do so, visit our website here.)
Second: Through Facebook LIVE Videos. Every Tuesday at 2:00 pm . (Melbourne time) We're going to have live sessions. So make sure you're following us on Facebook here.
Third: We have a free GP Manual that you can use to get started with your own GP lunches. You can find that here.
Fourth: If you're a member of the Private Practice Alliance Membership Group, you can find articles and information on the forum here.