As practices become more and more general and Medicare provides the ability for anyone to hang a shingle and work in private practice, we strongly believe clinicians should find a niche.
This month we hope to inspire you to take a leap and find your niche. Unlike mainstream businesses, we believe you can niche in several areas, without overwhelming your target audience.
Your website
Instead of staying broad and working with "everyone" and instead of only talking about how wonderful your practice is and talking up the clinicians or yourself, we recommend you find your audience and speak to them.
Our practice works with individuals who have a difficult time maintaining consistency in relationships. This struggle may develop into sleep issues, work place disagreements, trouble with partners and/ or distant family members.
If you're someone who finds yourself
- Withdrawing from relationships
- using distractions as coping mechanisms ie drinking, drugs, gambling, binging
- doing things / behaviours that aren't consistent with yourself
- hiding the truth of oneself
- making choices you don't recognise
- feeling decisions are pointless / changes you are implementing not being effective
Our team members can assist. We use techniques to help you identify patterns and develop coping skills. There is no cookie-cutter therapy model. One or two sessions may not be as effective as you'd like. Hence, we individually assess your needs to provide the best possible service.
Throughout this month, we'll provide examples and marketing strategies to help you become more comfortable with your niche.
If you have any questions you'd like answered in this series, send us a message at